Vikram Singh

View Resume

Senior at SUNY University at Buffalo majoring in Computer Engineering. I bring sound skills in both software and hardware. Proficient in programming languages such as C, C++, Java and Python. Heavily interested in systems programming and embedded systems. I enjoy and excel when working in a collaborative environment. Passion for hacking, modifying and tinkering outside of work/school.


SRC, inc

Computer Engineering Intern
  • Explored and integrated software performance upgrades to boost throughput of radar systems
  • Devised a mock client to benchmark performance of server operations
Languages used: C++, Python
Technologies used: BoostCpp, Redhat Linux, CentOS
May 2020 - August 2020
Syracuse, NY (Worked Remotely)
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.


Software Engineering Intern
  • Structured a python API to record and organize experiment configurations and data within an SQL database
  • Overhauled a front-end web application to tabulate and input experiment data use libraries such as React and Redux
  • Established a GUI record keeping application to track of the status of tires being tested within the tire research facility
Languages used: JavaScript, Python
Technologies used: NodeJS, Flask, React, Redux, MSSQL, SQLite
May 2019 - May 2020
Buffalo , NY
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.


Software Engineering Intern
  • Remodeled a C++ GUI codebase to utilize the Model-View-Controller design pattern
  • Refactored a C++ codebase to eliminate much of the repeated code
Languages used: C, C++, Python
Technologies used: GTK
Jan. '19 - May '19 | Aug. '19 - May '20
Only During School Semester
Buffalo , NY
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.

CSE 220 - Systems Programming

Teaching Assistant
  • Instruct students on Systems Programming concepts through graded assessments and clarify questions in office hours
Languages used: C, Python
Jan. '19 - May '19 | Aug. '19 - May '20
Only During School Semester
Buffalo , NY
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.

UB Embedded Sensing and Computing Group

Research Assistant
  • Assisted in research aimed at developing an Android application for detecting heart beats through accelerometers as a form of identification.
  • Assisted in the creation of an embedded device that would detect progression of myopia using computer vision technologies.
Languages used: Java, Python
Jan. '17 - May '18
Buffalo , NY
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.

University At Buffalo (Dr. Mohaisen)

High School Research Assistant
  • High school research assistant under Dr. Aziz Mohaisen.
  • Assisted in research aimed at analyzing DNS server's claims in Privacy, Security and Speed.
Languages used: R, Python
Jun. '16 - Aug '16
Buffalo , NY
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.


SUNY University at Buffalo

BS in Computer Engineering
University Honors College
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Association for Computing Machinery
Cumulative GPA: 3.991 / 4.0
Credit Hours: 150
August 2017 - May 2021

Buffalo, NY

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.


YouBeParking - UB Hacking 2020 Submission

Parksharing web application
YouBeParking is my group's submission for UBHacking2020. The application is a "parksharing" app where students can notify if a parking spot has just opened up. The entire project was developed in a 24-hour period.
  • Created login/registration interface to make requests with our backend RESTful API
  • Developed parking lot view, which allows users to see each of the parking lots through google maps when they request or put up a vacant parking spot.
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Our landing page for our application. The google map embedded within the landing page shows the parking lots available within UB's north campus.

The above video is our presentation for this hackathon.

Devpost Link
Fall 2020

Group Project

Languages: Python, JavaScript

Technologies: Flask, React.js, Redux

MOS 6502 Library

C++ MOS 6502 CPU Library
  • Developed an instruction accurate MOS 6502 CPU emulator as a C++ library
  • Heavily tested the library's API using the Boost C++ library
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
A "CPU Monitor". It allows me to visualize the register values, current instruction and step through a program using my 6502 Library.
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
A NES emulator using my MOS 6502 library which is currently in development. Rendering the background is not working properly, but games are able to load properly indicating the CPU is working fine.
Summer 2020

Solo Project

Languages: C++


Operating Systems Project
  • Architected a POSIX system call handler with support for synchronization among concurrent processes
  • Formulated a process scheduler to greatly improve CPU utilization
Spring 2020

Group Project

Languages: C

Electronic Lock

Electronic Lock implemented using hardware description language
  • Course project for CSE 490 Computer Architecture
  • Architected an electronic lock purely through a hardware description language
Spring 2020

Solo Project

Languages: VHDL


C++ Chip8 Library
  • Developed a C++ library implementation of Chip8 with support of graphics and audio
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Brix (1990) running on my Chip8 Interpreter
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Space Invaders running on my Chip8 Interpreter
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Tetris (1991) running on my Chip8 Interpreter
Winter 2020

Solo Project

Languages: C++

RC Car Hack

Bluetooth Controlled Toy Car
  • Redesigned an RC Car to be operated by a smartphone via Bluetooth communication
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
The modified RC Car. I did not make custom housing for the new electronics, so the wires are sticking out of the car.
Summer 2018

Solo Project

Languages: C++, Java

Technologies: Android


Java Boardgame
  • Java implementation of the boardgame codenames
Spring 2018

Group Project

Languages: Java

Stock History Viewer

Stock Price History Application
  • Formalized a GUI application to view and analyze historical stock data utilizing APIs provided by Alpha Vantage
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Stock data analysis using two indicators EMA (Exponential Moving Average) and SMA (Simple Moving Average).
Winter 2018

Solo Project

Languages: JavaScript

Technologies: Electron


Maze Solver
  • Maze solver application written for UB Hacking 2017
A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Example output of the application. This image is extremely large, you will need to save the image and zoom in to see it properly.
Fall 2017

Solo Project

Languages: Python


Programming Languages

  • Java
  • C
  • C++
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • VHDL
  • Verilog
  • Matlab
  • R
  • LaTeX
  • Ocaml
  • C#


  • Linux/Unix systems programming
  • Embedded Device Programming
  • Object Oriented Design
  • Version Control (Git, SVN)
  • Microcontrollers
  • FPGAs
  • Agile/Scrum
  • Testing


  • Secret Security Clearance

    United States Government


  • Deans List (All Semesters)

    SUNY University at Buffalo

  • Gold Level in Problem Solving


  • $5,000 Provost Scholarship

    SUNY University at Buffalo

  • $750 NYSATE Merit Scholarship


  • $300 Grace W. Capen Academic Award

    SUNY University at Buffalo